TYPE: Special Board Meeting
DATE: 1/13/2025       TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: Ripon High School Community Room
Times listed are only estimated and may vary considerably based on lengths of topic discussions.
Published by: Ripon Area school District P.O. Box 991 1120 Metomen Street Ripon, WI 54971; Telephone: (920) 748-4600; NOTE: This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting in the event of an emergency. Upon request to the Superintendent submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting.